Ahad, 12 Jun 2011


Mutakhir ini, pergolakan politik di negara-negara Timur Tengah yang lahir selepas Perang Dunia Pertama dan Kedua, selepas jatuhnya Empayar Uthsmaniyah Turki, bukanlah kebangkitan masal menentang kezaliman pemerintah tetapi merupakan Fasa Terakhir Penguasaan Global sumber Tenaga dan Makanan oleh Empayar Rockfeller/ Rothschild.

1. TEORI KONSIPIRASI GLOBAL bukanlah sebuah teori rekaan dan/atau khayalan tetapi ianya merupakan perkara-perkara ghaib yang telah dikhabarkan di dalam Al Quran dan Hadis. Kekeliruan mengenai takrifan ayat-ayat Al Quran dan Hadis berkenaan telah menimbulkan kekeliruan besar untuk mengenalpasti golongan yang menjadi petualangan tersebut. Berkali-kali dinyatakan bahawa kejahatan tidak akan muncul dalam rupa bentuk yang huduh tetapi dalam bentuk PENDUSTAAN KE ATAS AGAMA.

DEAN HENDERSON. Febuari 22, 2011 ' Illuminati showdown Middle East' 
History repeats itself today as the Illuminati corporate media tentacle attempts to equate the uprisings inIlluminati-controlled Bahrain, Yemen and Algeria with those in Iran, Syria and Libya.  The latter three countries have already won their independence from the banksters.  It’s why we are taught to hate them.  Iran is demonized the most because it nationalized its oil sector following the overthrow of David Rockefeller’s good friend the Shah of Iran in 1979.

     The Illuminati response to this seminal event would define Western intelligence strategy in the region for the next 30 years.  The Iranian Revolution began in the oil-rich Khuzistan region and was spearheaded by left-wing nationalist oilfield workers belonging to the Tudeh and Feyadeen parties.  Executives at Texaco and Exxon were targeted for assassination.  Their Iranian Consortium subsidiary had seized Iranian oilfields after the 1953 CIA/Mossad/MI6 overthrow of democratically-elected President Mohamed Mossadegh.  The coup was coordinated by British Petroleum.

     Once it became clear that the Shah and his brutal SAVAK secret police were about to fall, Western intelligence agencies began to back Ayatollah Khomeini.  The banksters knew that the Islamist Khomeini would be easier to work with, and later to discredit, than the nationalists who led the Revolution.  Later they provided Khomeini with a hit list of Tudeh and Feyadeen leaders while Israel coordinated arms sales to the Ayatollah for his coming war with Iraq.  The Iran/Iraq War was designed to decimate both countries.  Western arms flowed to both sides while oil infrastructure was targeted in both nations.

     With the Shah gone, the Illuminati’s “Twin Pillars” policy in the Middle East - based on alliances with the Shah and the House of Saud - needed rethinking.  President Reagan facilitated the formation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).  The GCC is comprised of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.  These tiny monarchies line the southwest side of the Persian Gulf – an area that contains 42% of the world’s oil.  These former British protectorates were slowly given independence on the condition that single-family monarchs would remain compliant to Illuminati oil interests.  In exchange for their loyalty, these families received Western military protection, as much from their own populations as from foreign threats.

     A decision was made early on to refine all Saudi crude on the island of Bahrain.  Big Oil never trusted the Saudi people, worried that a people’s revolution might result in nationalization of their refineries.  Quietly the US Fifth Fleet moved into Bahrain to protect these refineries, as well as the offices of Illuminati-controlled banks such as JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, HSBC and Barclays.  These banks run their offshore Middle East headquarters’ from Bahrain, where they recycle petrodollars and drug money into high-interest loans to the world’s developing nations.

     Following the Iranian template, Western intelligence agencies encouraged Islamic extremism in the GCC nations.  While the ruling families gamble and fornicate in Monaco, the people are encouraged to embrace Wahhabism to keep their gaze from the glaring class disparities that exist.  It is the same strategy employed by the Illuminati in America via their boot-licking Republican Party and it’s Evangelical American Taliban extremist contingent.

     In that same year of 1979, a Yemeni uprising resulted in that country splitting into two, with North Yemen - home to many Saudi oilfield workers – remaining loyal to Illuminati interests and South Yemen declaring itself a Marxist state in defiance of the international banksters.  When South Yemen cast the lone “No” vote at the UN Security Council in 1991 regarding the Gulf War, they were targeted for destruction by the Illuminati.  The nation became one again and it’s Western allied leaders encouraged Islamic fundamentalism.

     Algeria was also in the bankster’s crosshairs for their opposition to the Gulf War.  The CIA/Mossad/MI6 unleashed AIG (Armed Islamic Group) Islamic terrorists- many of whom later fought for these agencies in Bosnia- against the leftist Algerian government, which had kept its oil nationalized under the state-owned Sonatrech.  The Illuminati toppled that government after a series of AIG massacres.  Soon the Hydrocarbon Law was passed, AIG extremists loyal to the Illuminati took power and Algeria’s oil sector was handed over to the Rockefeller/Rothschild petro-monopoly.

     The people of Algeria, Yemen and Bahrain are now rising up against these Islamic extremistIlluminati lapdog governments.  If they succeed, nationalist governments that threaten the Illuminati oil barons will emerge.  In sharp contrast to these popular uprisings - as well as those in Tunisia and Egypt - are the CIA/Mossad/MI6-fomented events in Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Libya.  These countries have already fought revolutions to gain their freedom from the banksters.

2. PENDUSTAAN KE ATAS AGAMA bermakna penyelewengan ke atas syariat Rasullullah s.a.w.. Apa yang tidak diajarkan oleh para anbiya' dan auliya' itulah yang diperjuangkan oleh golongan tersebut. Siapa lagi yang membawa perjuangan sedemikian kalau bukan gerakan Reformasi, DAP, PAS, PKR, PSM dan KUASA KE 3. Ini amat jelas.

3. Awal-awal gerakan Reformasi melaungkan semangat dan fahaman yang bertentangan dengan syariat Islam, bahkah PAS dan DAP sejak penubuhan mereka amat jelas Oleh kerana itu, ramai pejuang-pejuang asal gerakan Reformasi meninggalkan Reformasi dan PKR. Paling ketara adalah di dalam PKR di mana begitu ramai pengasasnya meninggalkan PKR dengan relahati.

Mahukah kita menyerahkan pemerintahan negara ini kepada Reformasi, PAS DAP PKR PSM yang kemudiannya akan menyerahkan kepada Empayar Rockfeller/ Rothschild semua sumber minyak mentah dan makanan negara ? TEPUK DADA TANYA IMAN.

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