Bila artikel Tun Dr Mahathir, Negarawan Ulung, bertajuk 'The Chinese Dilemma' dikeluarkan dari fesbuk atas alasan "Unpleasant Truth", terbuktilah bahawa semua fakta yang terkandung dalam artikel tersebut adalah BENAR.
Antara fakta menarik dalam artikel tersebut,
Antara fakta menarik dalam artikel tersebut,
’KONGSI’ CONCEPT : Each side has to sacrifice something so that the other can gain something
Buoyed by the success of the Alliance party in the 1955 elections, in which the MIC had joined, the Tunku looked more kindly at the proposal of Sir Cheng-Lock that citizenship should be based on jus soli (citizenship by being born in the country) and not jus saguinis (citizenship based on the Malaysian citizenship of the father or mother, i.e. citizenship based on blood relation).
The Tunku did not quite agree but he nevertheless decided to give one million citizenships to unqualified Chinese and Indians.
It was a classic kongsi that was set up. The essence is an undertaking to share. Sharing involves a give and take arrangement, in which each side has to sacrifice something so that the other can gain something.
As the Malays made up the majority of the citizens they naturally led the Alliance. But the Chinese and Indians were not without adequate power. In any case Malay political power would be mitigated by Chinese and Indians' voting and economic power.
The kongsi Alliance worked well. But in 1963 Singapore joined Malaysia.
Immediately the PAP tried to gain Chinese support by condemning the Alliance kongsi for being disadvantageous to the Chinese.
Malaysians, said the PAP, were not equal. There should be a Malaysian Malaysia where all the benefits should be based on merit alone, with the best taking everything, irrespective of race.
The Tunku realised what the PAP was up to and decided that Singapore should not be a part of Malaysia. But the PAP was not done. The remnant of the party in Malaysia set up the DAP to carry on the Malaysian Malaysia meritocratic formula for undermining Chinese support for the MCA.
Harping continuously on the so-called Malay privileges and the unfairness to the Chinese, the DAP slowly eroded the idea of kongsi in the multi-racial coalition of the Barisan Nasional.
Artikel Tun Dr Mahathir terus menikan jantung dan melondehkan topeng hipokrasi DAP. Perjuangan DAP bukan berdasarkan kepada 'Keadilan Sosial' tetapi berdasarkan kepada 'Kaum Mana Yang Lebih Terer.' Dan pada keyakinan DAP, kaum yang lebih terer ialah kaum imigran Cinabeng. Mereka menolak Konsep Kongsi Kuasa BN yang berasaskan kepada 'Pengorbanan dan berkorban agar kaum lain dapat manafaat'.
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