Selasa, 2 Julai 2013

Infiltrasi Elitisma Kelompok Kumpulan Sosialis Fabian Dalam Semua Aspek Politikal Malaysia.

"Musuh hanya boleh dikalahkan bila ianya dikenalpasti. Selagi Musuh berada dalam selimut, selagi itu kita hanya menentang bayang-bayang yang tak berkesudahan" 

Petikan, tanpa memprejudiskan mana-mana pihak:-
Through schools, forums, deceptive “fronts” and infiltrated universities (Oxford and Cambridge in England, and Harvard in the United States, are notable examples) the Fabians create both conscious and unconscious socialists.  
The Fabians were more realistic than the Marxian socialists. They understood that it is much easier to subvert sons, daughters and wives of the prominent and well-to-do than it is to impress the laboring classes. They also understood, that socialist movements spring from the middle and upper classes—and not from the proletariat

 Anda semua boleh berfikir,
Ambe perkenalkan kepada anda semua ; SOSIALIS FABIAN, Musuh Dalam Selimut, Musang Berbulu Ayam, kumpulan ELITIS:-
The principle of the specialist, the manager, the administrator, according to the Fabians represents an elite which the Fabians say will dominate society

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