The DAP Racist King and his Three Warlords. He had to fly AirAisa to Langkawi after nauseous experience to test the Scorpene KD Tun Razak submarine.
His three warlords Deputy Chief Minister II Ramasamy, YB RSN Rayer and YB A Thanasekharan both are members of the Penang State Legislative Council.
These three Warlords are against the vile and malevolent practices of 'Godfather' and 'Warlords' in the Republic of Penang. It is the clash of The Godfather and The Warlords.
The statements came in the wake of DAP national chief Karpal Singh's advice to party leaders not to be warlords out to promise and announce seats for the coming general election for cronies and supporters.Such decisions, Karpal had insisted, were the party central executive committee's prerogative.
Long Live the EMPEROR !